Mictic: The world’s first body instrument

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Music is a mystery that can work in a magical way. When you’re down, the perfect music can lift you up from the deepest sorrow, and vice versa. The process of creating music is not easy and rather complicated, but a company from Switzerland is planning to ease the level by creating a product they called Mictic.

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Mictic body instruments are a pair of motion-sensing bracelets that are connected to your smartphone via Bluetooth and then create music that matches your movements. This gives you the chance to play a unique air instrument, or create a special soundtrack for your dance moves.

Each Mictic bracelet looks more or less like Fitbit and is on your wrist by feeding back the multi-access accelerometer data, which is used by the iOS / Android application to make several decisions about the sound being played.


In one mode, Mictic can make an industrial sound to give you sound effects for your robot dance. In other settings, it can produce drum and bass riff sounds that match your movements and become more frenetic as your dancing variations.

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In the third option, it allows you to play a kind of piano and drum instrument with movements in the air. Sprinkling jazz improvisation around you gets higher when you move your right hand, and lower when you move it to the left while producing the right beat.

In the fourth modes, this tool allows you to act like you’re playing the cello. The gadget will even try to guess what you are playing and replicate the sound of the cello.

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The Mictic is one of the new gadgets that aim to democratize music by eliminating the whole process of learning and practicing that is needed before someone can produce good music. Mictic can at least ease the process of making music, plus you’re guaranteed to have fun producing cool sounds and beats.

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Simply put, you can only make any musical creations or ideas that have been provided by the system. So you might be able to have fun improvising the sound of what is already available, but you will find it difficult to replicate or play certain songs using this technology.

Even so, it looks like it will be a great gadget for street performers, and a fun toy to experiment with. The Mictic is now on pre-ordered phase with a price tag of $ 139 which will be available next year.


Inside the Box
  • 2 x Mictic Sensors incl. Wristbands
  • Charging Cables
  • Free App Download (iOS/Android)
Richard Leon Percival

Richard Leon Percival

Total posts created: 1506

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