Samsung POWERbot Robot Vacuum: Edge Clean Master

Samsung Powerbot Robot Vacuum 3

Keeping your home clean is a time-consuming activity, whether it’s to hang out with friends, time to play with your child, and relax for me-time. Another thing that we find today is the increasing number of modern people who live independently without the help of household assistants but still have the idealism of high house cleanliness.

Samsung Powerbot Robot Vacuum 7

In situations like this, time, ease, and maximum results are the solutions that everyone wants. Choosing a vacuum robot has been the latest trend nowadays and Samsung is not taking chance on missing the hype by releasing a robot vacuum machine called POWERbot.

Samsung Powerbot Robot Vacuum 12

POWERbot can be controlled easily using the remote or Samsung smartphone through the Samsung Smart Home application. Its dynamic work will begin with FullView Sensor and Visionary Mapping which will comprehensively conduct space mapping to find out the division and shape of the room.

This sophisticated sensor feature can minimize blind spots so that it can automatically carry out safe cleaning throughout the room and avoid narrow, impassable areas.

Samsung Powerbot Robot Vacuum 9

After knowing the shape of the room, POWERbot will also estimate the most efficient time in the cleaning process. Ten sensors and digital cameras embedded in the device, POWERbot will determine the most optimal route to calculate the fastest cleaning time.

Samsung Powerbot Robot Vacuum 6

POWERbot’s ability to clean quickly and completely is nothing but supported by POWERbot’s suction strength which is 70 times stronger than conventional Samsung vacuum cleaner series so that objects such as hair or animal hair don’t get caught.

Samsung Powerbot Robot Vacuum 5

POWERbot cleans the corners of the room aided by the Point Cleaning feature. By directing infrared light from the remote in front of POWERbot, the device will immediately follow the direction of the light and clean the dirty area it passes. The price tag to take this smart vacuum robot is around $349.



Samsung POWERbot Robot Vacuum

Samsung Powerbot Robot Vacuum 12

Samsung Powerbot Robot Vacuum 11

Samsung Powerbot Robot Vacuum 10

Samsung Powerbot Robot Vacuum 8

Samsung Powerbot Robot Vacuum 5

Samsung Powerbot Robot Vacuum 4

Samsung Powerbot Robot Vacuum 3

Samsung Powerbot Robot Vacuum 2

Samsung Powerbot Robot Vacuum 1

Richard Leon Percival

Richard Leon Percival

Total posts created: 1506

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